What is alliance culture?
Culture is one of the strongest influences of a company’s performance. A collaborative internal alliance culture will help external collaboration flourish. Companies with a collaborative alliance culture have a good partnering reputation and will therefore be a partner of choice for many.
What is the alliance culture of your company?
Some companies naturally have a collaborative mindset, while others can be rather turned inwards. Self-focussed companies concentrate on control rather than on trust. Such a company will probably have siloed departments, where every manager creates their own kingdom. It sees collaboration as a necessity to maintain and grow within their own organisation. As opposed to companies with a collaborative culture, who see partnerships as something both parties reap the benefits from.
The importance of a collaborative alliance culture
It comes as no surprise that the alliances in a company with a collaborative mindset, have a much higher chance of succeeding. Collaborative companies have a strong focus on how people are treated, both inside and outside the organisation. The culture will be open, transparent, and communicative with a focus on helping each other succeed. Contracts with external parties, suppliers, and alliance partners, will as such, be fair with the best interests of both parties in mind.
How to create a more collaborative culture?
As we all know, culture is something that is very hard to change. Would you like some help with the collaborative culture of your company? In our Alliance Masterclass we discuss this foundational subject for a successful alliance in depth. You can also find more information on alliance culture in the following articles: