Alliances, culture and 2 studies

Our culture defines our behaviour, our norms and values, our habits and our communication. Culture can be viewed from many angles: from a country perspective, a regional perspective or from an organizational perspective. They are all interconnected and will influence the success of your alliances. A collaborative culture will facilitate alliance success: a top-down hierarchical, control based, culture might hold back alliance success. 

In a recent Alliance fireside chat, Anoop Nathwani and I spoke about alliances and culture. This was a 5 minute conversation in which we only scratched the surface of alliances and culture. In our Alliance & Partnerships Masterclass, we dive somewhat deeper into the topic and how to work with cultural differences. Still, there is so much more to this fascinating topic! 

From that perspective, I am very curious to learn the results of the study Deborah Ciampa is performing in collaboration with Trompenaars Hampden-Turner. This study researches how organizations can improve their alliance performance, irrespective of the alliance partner, by shaping their organizational culture. Do you have 12 minutes to spare? Are you interested in how culture influences alliance performance? Click here to participate in this research. 

Additionally, the Alliance & Partnerships Covid-19 / Home working survey is open for another week. It researches the effect the Covid-19 pandemic and the related forced working from home has on alliances and partnerships. It will take you about 5 minutes to answer these questions. 

The outcomes of both studies can be shared. Thank you in advance for your participation!