CBP-25: How Google+ can enable collaboration, with Yifat Cohen

CBP25 - Yifat CohenYifat Cohen is an Israeli living in Austin, Texas, who found her passion on Google+. Yifat was one of the first 100 people on Google+ and is now teaching people how to use Google+ for strategic company building. 

In this episode of the Collaborative Business Podcast, you will learn what Google+ is and why it is important for your business. Yifat will explain why Google is no longer just about search; Google+ is integrated everywhere within Google and it is in fact the new Google.

Google+ enables collaboration and Yifat shares examples of how she is collaborating with people anywhere in the world by using Google+. The examples will show you how easy Google+ is for collaboration and how you can apply it in to your business right away.

Tune in to this episode and share your thoughts about this episode in the comments below, or on Google+!

Books mentioned in this episode:

Connect with Yifat Cohen:

Website: gplusgotogal.com
Google+: plus.google.com/+YifatCohen

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