CBP-16: Collaborating with 30 experts with Norma Watenpaugh

CBP16 - Norma WatenpaughNorma Watenpaugh is the founding principle of Phoenix Consulting Group and she is one of my own first alliance partners. Norma explains in this episode how she created a network of independent consultants when establishing Phoenix Consulting Group.

In creating the network Norma looks at how her partners work in real life and what practical experience they bring to the network. The trust factor is also a huge factor in selecting partners as controls diminishes when distances grow.

Norma shares the example of a large collaboration project: collaborating with 30 alliance professionals in writing the alliance handbook of ASAP. This project taught Norma a lot and made her realize once again that you can create great things when working together on a project.

In this episode you will hear Norma share early experiences, but also more in-depth experiences on the 30 professionals project. Finally we dive into the differences in partnering over different geographies in the world.

Click to tweet: “The core of a sustainable partnership is the win-win-win – @normawat

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Connect with Norma Watenpaugh:
Websites: http://phoenixcg.com
Twitter: @normawat

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