Over the past week I have been in several conversations about collaboration.
These conversations are not necessarily about strategic alliances as we know them, but about the broader field of collaboration. The field that includes elements like teamwork and inter-departmental collaboration next to collaborations between organizations.
The challenges in this field are similar to the challenges we see in alliances. This is of course not that strange; after all it is all about collaboration.
One of the conclusions in all conversations is that when we know how to collaborate better, the results will be better as well.
This applies to every level of collaboration and is also a common theme in the episodes of the Collaborative Business Podcast. (Did you listen to the latest episode with Francine Allaire yet?)
75% of the 1700 CEOs that IBM interviewed in 2012 for their global CEO study, mentioned that collaborative skills is the critical number one trait they look for in their employees.
The same report shows that more than half of the CEOs are making extensive changes to enable their organizations to work with external partners.
We expect collaboration to come natural
Everyone is convinced that with better collaboration the results will be better, and reports show the same. However, the odd thing is that it seems that most people feel that collaboration is something we just naturally do.
Unfortunately nothing is further from the truth, collaboration is not just done like that. We accept it as completely natural that an orchestra needs a conductor and a sports team needs a coach.
Both of them need a lot of practice before they can work seamlessly together as one.
Good collaboration does require training, practicing and guidance. Over the past years I have worked with hundreds of people to teach and coach them on how to create and manage successful alliances and partnerships.
These are the people who realize that good collaboration requires effort and education.
Many request come in from entrepreneurs, business executives and alliance managers just like you who want to learn how to create and maintain their alliances in a successful way.
Since I am unable to be everywhere and teach in every corner of the globe, I have developed the online alliance & partnership training and coaching program to bring proven alliance training and coaching to you in an easy accessible way.
How about you?
Are you gambling with your collaboration and expecting it to come natural? Or do you want to create alliances or partnerships that deliver the results you are looking for?
Success only comes when you take action: check out the online alliance & partnership training and coaching program!