Charles Darwin once said: “In the long history of humankind – those who have learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” As someone interested in the topic of strategic alliances you know the importance of collaboration and innovation. So do Anoop Nathwani and myself and hence we decided to create an alliance between Consortio Consulting Ltd and Simoons & Company.
The purpose of this alliance is to offer our clients a broader portfolio of services than each of us could do alone. Over the past years I have been able to work with Anoop on several occasions and I am very happy to be able to make his expertise and extensive experience available to my customers.
As one of the first joint services Simoons & Company will be offering the half day workshop “Collaboration Powers Business and Innovation” as developed by Anoop. This half-day workshop is for executives responsible for finding and managing key external relationships/partnerships as well as internal stakeholder relationships. In a hybrid approach between presentation and breakout sessions the participants will learn to understand the core soft skills of collaboration, learn how to define the value of collaboration and the role culture plays in ensuring successful collaboration.
You can read the details of the workshop here where you will also find a form to request a phone conversation on the workshop, either with Anoop or myself.